How To Vote Wisely in Tamilnadu Assembly Elections 2011

In Democratic Countries Elections are held for electing the Members of:-

  • the Legislative Assembly and
  • the Members of the Parliament.

In India, Indians do not appear to have realized that casting vote in any of the above elections is not only their:-

  • Democratic Right but also their
  • Democratic Duty.

In some of the elections in India the percentage of votes cast had been around 50% only.

In recent times, however, the above percentage has increased to 60%-70%.

Indians are reluctant to cast their votes because Indians:-

  • are fed up with the Political Approach of the Contestants of Indian Elections and
  • do not realize the value of their voting power and
  • tend to think that their voting was not going to make any difference at all, (which is not correct and in some elections a very few numbers of votes decide the winning candidates) and
  • do not realize that by maximum number of eligible voters casing their votes will bring about the majority opinion about the contestants.
  • do not realize the power of Democracy to make corrections in the Government in course of time.

In Tamilnadu, the people are going to cast their vote on 13th April 2011 for the Tamilnadu Assembly Elections for electing the group of people to rule over the State for the next 5 years.

Every eligible voter in Tamilnadu, whose name finds a place in the Electoral List in his place of domicile should cast his/her vote without fail.

The voter must decide to which candidate he/she should his/her valuable vote.

The following 2 actions/inactions are both bad for a good democracy:-

  • casting votes upon receiving cash or any other things offered by the candidates or their representatives or the members of their parties (which is equal to selling their votes) and
  • avoiding to cast his/her vote (giving room for forged voting).

The People who may avoid casting vote will be:-

  • the people not belonging to some of the Political Parties or not having some interest in some of the Political Parties or in some of the contestants and
  • the people having some displeasure with their own Political parties or with their known candidates contesting the elections.

As advised by Indian Leaders of the past and the present the eligible voters must go to the Voting Booths and cast their votes and:-

  • Avail their Democratic Right and
  • Accomplish their Democratic Duty as well.

All the eligible voters should make their own independent decision in selecting the candidate for casting their votes. The voter should decide wisely taking into consideration of the relative merits and demerits of the contestants.

If any voter is not ready to cast his/her vote to any of the contestants and at the same time wishes to use his/her voting right, the voter may opt to make use of Section 49 O and cast his/her ‘neutral vote’.

However, as per the rules for casting the ‘neutral vote’, the secrecy of his/her voting will be lost. It is advisable not to opt for voting under Section 49 O.

The eligible voter may decide to whom he/she should vote not only by the merits and demerits of the Political Parties of the candidates, but also by the personal merits and demerits of the individual contestants.

All eligible voters in Tamilnadu!
Do Remember to cast your vote on 13th April 2011 wisely,
having in mind that by casting your vote
you are enjoying your democratic right and
doing your democratic duty.
Your 1 vote may make the difference and
decide the winner in your constituency and
ultimately the rulers of your state of another 5 years.

“Cast Your Vote Wisely”./“It is Wise to Cast Your Vote”
“Long Live Democracy”.

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