The Fourth World High Blood Pressure Day 17th May 2008

The World Hyper Tension Day is commemorated on 17th May . Blood Pressure is a necessary thing for our body. But the Blood Pressure must be within certain limits. Blood Pressure is measured as “Systolic” and “Diastolic” Pressures. Human heart shrinks and relaxes to pump blood through blood vessels. When our heart shrinks the pressure exerted is called “Systolic” blood pressure and when the heart relaxes the pressure is called “Diastolic” blood pressure. The normal Systolic and Diastollic blood pressures are 120 and 80 respectively. If the blood pressure is 140 and 90 it is said to be high and it is called hyper tension. The range from121 to 139 of Systolic and from 81 to 89 Diastolic pressure is called “Pre Hyper Tension”. While people with Hyper Tension must have medication along with change in life-style and diet, those with Pre Hyper Tension may become normal by change in life-style and diet.

The awareness of High Blood Pressure has progressed well and now it is possible measure blood pressure with latest digital devices and monitor the changes even without going to a doctor. The high blood pressure being the base for other diseases and disorders such as heart diseases and brain strokes, it is apt to commemorate world high blood pressure day. A record-setting number of World Hypertension Day events are taking place today around the world to highlight the importance of controlling hypertension, better known as high blood pressure. More than 35 countries are hosting public events to provide the free blood pressure screenings and information about high blood pressure. Today also marks the launch of the largest-ever international survey to draw increased attention to the links between high blood pressure and heart disease, the world’s leading killer.

Despite the wide availability of high blood pressure treatments, nearly two-thirds of patients discontinue treatment early, leaving them at risk of complications like heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and early death. The reason why so many people stop taking their medicines remains a medical debate. ‘Do You Know Your Numbers?’ survey kicks off exploring public’s perceptions of high blood pressure.

The ‘Do You Know Your Numbers?’ survey, is designed to quantify how aware the general public is about high blood pressure – as well as cholesterol and diabetes – and how much importance they place on controlling these contributors to heart disease. Results of the survey will be released in September 2008, to coincide with World Heart Day which this year will focus on better high blood pressure control. This survey is unique, because it studies how the public views key contributors to heart health. This information is important, because it will help doctors and patients to better communicate about how to improve patients’ health by better managing these common, yet devastating, diseases.

High blood pressure is an epidemic in many parts of the world. People often think high blood pressure is only a ‘western’ disease, but it is not so. It is on the rise in developed and developing nations, and if we do not get it under control, it will grow by 50% in the next 15 years. This would leave a lot of people at risk, but World Hypertension Day can help to motivate people and slow this epidemic. World Hypertension Day, initiated by the World Hypertension League in 2005, is an international event with public activities taking place around the world to raise awareness about high blood pressure

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