Red Ribbon Express Flagged off from Newdelhi on World Aids Day

“HIV/AIDS” has killed more than 25 Millions of people all over the world. The victims of the deadly disease include children and infants.

India has at least 2.5 million HIV positive people, including over 80,000 children below the age of 15. The 1st December is the “World- AIDS Day”.

The World Aids day is dedicated to create and renew the awareness of the “HIV/AIDS” in the minds of people all over the world.

The organizations trying to create awareness about AIDS are concentrating on “Safe-Sex” which would be helpful in reducing the disease.

“The Red Ribbon” is the “World Aids Day” Logo. The Washington Monument, a 200 feet tower, in Mount Vermon Place in the city of Baltimore will turn fully red with lights, at 07 00 pm on 1st December 2009 to mark the ‘Red Logo of Aids’.In India, a ‘Special AIDS -Awareness Train’-"The Red Ribbon Express" has been flagged off from Newdelhi by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the United Progressive Alliance Chief. The Ministers who were present when Mrs Gandhi flagged off the "Red Ribbon Express" from the Safdarjung Railway Station were:-

  • Mr.Ghulam Nabi Azad- The Union Health Minister
  • Mrs. Minister Mamata Banerjee-The Union Railways Minister
  • Mrs.Sheila Dikshit- The Chief Minister of Delhi
  • The Red Ribbon Express will cross 22 States of the country to mobilize Mass Awareness of AIDS and return back to Newdelhi. The train will stop at 152 stations during its one-year long journey.

The following are the details of the seven Coaches of the "Red-Ribbon- Express":-

1. Coach I, Exhibition:-
will have display of educational material, primarily on HIV/AIDS, interactive touch screens and 3-D models.

2. Coach II, Exhibition:-
will have display of educational material with focus on HIV/AIDS linked to NRHM programmes, such as PPTCT services in the context of RCH II, HIV-TB co-infection etc.

3. Coach III, Exhibition: It will have display of educational material with focus on HIV within the socio-developmental context (inter-sectoral/ mainstreaming approach)

4. Coach IV, Auditorium cum Conference:-
will have arrangements for orientation/ sensitization of selected groups such as PRIs, AWWs, SHGs, youth and women.

A group of 60 people can be oriented in one batch with three sessions planned per day. It will have LCD projector and platform for folk performances.

5. Coach V, Counseling cum Medical Services:-

It will have six cabins- 4 counseling cabins and two doctor’s cabins for providing counseling and syndromic treatment for STI and RTI cases.

There will be no HIV testing facility on board. However, provisions for referral services to the nearby ICTC and other care & support services on HIV/AIDS will be ensured.

6. Coach VI, Sleeper coach:-

In this coach 50 performer’s team from NYKS will be traveling.

7. Coach VII:-

will be having the Office, Dinning Hall cum pantry.

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