Details of Cuts in Vishwaroopam Released in Tamilnadu Theatres

After the successful tripartite settlement with the Tamilnadu Muslims Organizations on the release of Vishwaroopam in Tamilnadu theatres, Kamal Hassan had edited/made the  agreed cuts in  the movie  and released the Tamil Vishwaroopam movie in Tamilnadu theatres on 7th February 2013.

According to the Tamilnadu Muslim Organizations some 7 scenes/sequences were to be deleted based on their 15 points charter of demands as briefed below:

  • A disclaimer added at the beginning of the movie reading as: “ Some Incidents Based on Real Life” to be replaced as: “ All Incidents Imaginery”
  • Scenes showing the jihaddis doing namaz to be removed and only the hero (a muslim character) to be allowed to do namaz
  • Some references to  the Holy Quran to be removed
  • A reference to Tamil jihaddi to be removed
  • References to Madurai and Coimbatore to be removed

After the release of  Vishwaroopam in Tamilnadu  Theatres, Kamal Haasan has informed his admirers, 
-who might think that a large portion of the original movie Vishwaroopam could have been lost, 
-due to the battle of freedom of speech and clarified that 
-the version of the film that released in Tamil Nadu suffered only aural cuts and
-nothing was lost except 
-the sounds of Koran recital and 
-a few dialogues by Omar Qureshi in thefilm and  
-finally what the Tamil Vishwaroopam has lost was just some sound clips and
-no visuals were touched and the visual part of Vishwaroopam is intact.

Some of Kamal Hassan’s fans, who watched the shows on the first day at Tamilnau, after having watched it last week in other States, including theatres in Bangalore and in some partsof Kerala  said that  the Tamil version released in Tamilnadu Theatres did not vary much from the other versions of the movie and

  •  “an introductory credit card is missing” and
  •  “there is  a partial blackout of a banner in a particular scene”.

So, they are no “Video-Cuts” and only “Audio-Cuts made in the Tamil Vishwaroopam released in Tamilnadu Theatres.

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