List of Disasters in India in the Year 2010

In India, as in the year 2009 and the previous years, there had been many disasters in the year 2010 and the ‘disasters’ are broadly of the following two types :-

  • Natural &
  • Man-made and

the following is a list of some of the disasters of the year 2010 in India including:-

  • Train Accidents/De-railments,
  • Natural Calamities Such as Storms, Cyclones, and Heavy Rains etc.,
  • Flight Accidents,
  • Bus-Accidents,
  • Boat- Accidents/Deaths by Drowning in Rivers etc.,
  • Fire-Accidents
  • Stampedes,
  • Bomb-Blasts & Terrorists-Attacks,
  • Hijacks and
  • Collapses of Buildings.

Train Accidents/De-railments:-The Year- 2010 started with a series of rail accidents in India especially in the State of Uttar Pradesh:-

  • On 2nd January 2010, due to thick fog in the state 3 major rail accidents occurred killing 10 persons and injuring about 50 persons.
  • On 16th January 2010, 2 Express trains collided due to thick fog killing 3 persons and injuring more than 20 persons.
  • On 17th January 2010, a car was hit by a train at an un-manned railway crossing, killing 2 persons in the car and injuring 4 other persons.
  • Again on 22nd January 2010, a Goods Train derailed near Azamgarh and disrupted rail traffic in the region. Fortunately in this accident there was no death or even injury.
  • On 28th May 2010, Gyaneshwari Express Train derailed by an explosion on the tracks and collided with another train at the Paschim Medinipur District- a rebellion area in Eastern India.
  • On 19th July 2010, two trains collided in Birbhum District in West Bengal and about 50 persons died.
  • On 20th September 2010, two trains collided in Shivpuri District in Madhyapradesh and 21 people died.

Natural Calamities/Storms/Cyclones/Heavy Rains:-

  • On 13th April 2010, 140 persons were killed and thousands of homes were demolished due to a powerful storm in West Bengal and about 5 lakhs of people were left homeless.
  • On 19th May 2010, 10 persons died and more than 10000 people were rendered houseless due a North Indian Ocean Cyclone named “Laila”.
  • On 2nd June 2010, a Heat Wave striked on India along with some other parts of South Asia, when the temperature reached 53 degrees C(127 degrees F) and killed hundreds of people.
  • On 17th June 2010, heavy rains claimed 46 persons in the state of Maharashra.

Flight Accidents:-

  • On 22nd May 2010, an ‘Air India Express’-Flight No:812 overshot the runway at the Mangalore International Airport and killed 158 person out of 160.


  • On 17th February 2010, 22 persons were killed in a bus crash in Jalaun District.
  • On 25th June 2010, an overcrowded bus collided head-on with a truck near Chenakimore near Patna and 17 persons died.
  • On 11th October 2010, a bus fell into a river in Bulandshahar District in Uttar Pradesh and 18 persons died.
  • On 26th December 2010, a bus and mini-truck collided near a town Badaun in Uttar Pradesh and 34 persons died and 30 persons were injured.

Boat-Accidents/Drowned in Rivers etc.:-

  • On 30th January 2010, a Boat Accident occurred in West Godavari District of Andhrapradesh. In the boat accident 12 persons were drowned and 20 others were missing.
  • On 21st May 2010, while taking bath in Rapti River in Balrampur six Girls between the ages of 8 and 12 got drowned and died.
  • On 10th October 2010, an over-loaded boat capsized in the River Ganges in the Buxar District in the state of Bihar and 36 persons died.
  • On 1st November 2010, a Ferry-Boat capsized in the river Muri-Ganga in West Bengal and 74 persons died.
  • On 30th October 2010, an overcrowded Ferry-Boat sank in a river in West Bengal and 16 persons died and 70 were missing.


  • On 23rd March 2010, a Fire Accident in a residential-cum-office building in Calcutta, killed 24 persons.


  • On 4th March 2010, 63 persons died in a stampede at a Hindu Temple in Pratapgarh in Uttarpradesh.


  • On 13th Februaray 2010, a bomb exploded at the German Bakery in Pune City, killing 17 persons and injuring 60 others. The bomb explosion was claimed to have done by 2 groups called ‘Laskhar-e-Taiba Al Alami and Mujahideen Islami Muslim Front.
  • On 3rd April 2010, a Police bus was blown up by Maoist Terrorist-Guerrillas in Koraput District in Orissa and 10 Indian Security Personnel were killed and 3 were injured.
  • On 17th April 2010, Twin bombs injured eight persons outside M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore ahead of an IPL-3 league game between the Royal Challengers Bangalore and the Mumbai Indians. A third device was located outside.

Naxalites/Terrorists Attacks:-

  • On 15th February 2010, a Naxalite attack on an Army Camp in West Bengal killed 24 Indian Soldiers and many more were reported missing.
  • On 6th April 2010, 70 Indian Soldiers were killed in a Naxalites-Attack in Dantewada District in Chhattisgarh.
  • On 7th May 2010, in a Gun-Battle between Islamic Rebels and Indian Security Forces in Kashmir, 5 insurgents and 2 soldiers died.
  • On 8th May 2010, Naxalite-Rebels blew up a Bullet-Proof Vehicle of the Central Reserve Police Force in Bijapur District in Chhattisgarh and killed 7 Police Officer.
  • On 16th May Maoist –Guerillas killed 6 villagers in an attack in Chhattisgarh.
  • On 17th May 2010, Naxalites blew up a bus at Dantewada and killed about 50 people including Special Police Officers and Civilians.


  • On 30th March 2010, Somali Pirated hijacked 8 Indian Vessels and abducted 120 sailors off the coast of Kismayo.

Collapse of Building:-

  • On 18th August 2010, a School Building in Sumgarh Village in Uttarkhand State collapsed due to heavy rains and 17 school children died.

Let us wish and hope that in the year 2011, the number of disasters and the number of loss of lives will be reduced, compared to those in the year 2010 and the previous years.

We can only pray to ‘God the Almighty’, for reduction of natural calamities and accidents, which are not in the control of man.

To reduce man-made disasters such as Bomb-blasts, Terrorists-Attacks and Hijacks, attitudes of people causing such cold-blooded disasters must be changed, for which Political and Social Reforms and Remedies are necessary.

The Governments and the Leaders of the Developed Nations in the World, should unitedly work towards a ‘Peaceful and Disasterless Universe’ in the years to come.

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11 years ago

thanks! help me for project..

11 years ago

good data keep going

11 years ago

aweeeeesome info

Rishabh Rai
Rishabh Rai
12 years ago

it's ok

12 years ago

very nice really helpful..good one

12 years ago

Really helpful

12 years ago

well done !! will be useful for record

13 years ago

yea rly useful for school project

13 years ago

was useful for project

13 years ago

well done