More Funds Allocated in Budget-2010 will help to develop Indian Tourism

India’s Tourism sector has been badly affected by:-

  • Mumbai Attack,
  • Swine Flu scare and
  • The Economic Down turn

and it is necessary to spend more funds to develop ‘Tourism’ in India.In the recent “Budget-2010”, Rs 91 Crores more funds (Total funds outlay for tourism is Rs 1 119 Crores) have been allocated to the Department of Tourism. Tourist infrastructure also got an over six percent increased allocation.More than one third of the increased funds have been earmarked for the ‘Incredible India’ campaign. The ‘Incredible India’ campaign, showcasing major holiday destinations, has been quite successful and picked up many prestigious international awards.

About Rs.470 crores has been earmarked for creating new infrastructural facilities like:-

  • constructing budget accommodations,
  • wayside amenities,
  • tourist reception centres,
  • refurbishment of monuments,
  • adventure and sports facilities and
  • illumination of monuments.

With the increased input of Funds developments may be made in the infrastructure and facilities to the visitors.

The Indian Tourism will grow much more as and when the atmosphere in the tourist-centers in India become more safe and peaceful with sophisticated infrastructure and facilities.

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