Benefits of Siesta- a short nap after lunch

Normally we will start our day’s work with full of energy and work effectively for some hours together. However, our energy level will be decreasing as time passes because our body and mind will get tired after working continuously. After lunch, we will get our energy back; still if we take a small nap after lunch, which is called “siesta’ our energy/efficiency level will be elevated by the rest to our body and mind for some short time of 15 to 20 minutes. In any case siesta should not exceed 30 minutes. Some people consider sleeping after lunch as a sign of weakness of body and mind.

Very recent researches show that we have a strong biological tendency to become tired in the early afternoon. And a short 10-20 minute nap in the middle of a working day can increase productivity by over 30% and alertness by 100% as well as improve memory and concentration. Recent researches also show that we can also reduce stress and the risk of heart disease by 34%. Sleep deprivation has been shown to make weight loss more difficult as well as cause accidents at work and on the road. Even 5 minutes of sleep after lunch will be beneficial.

Some of the benefits of the 10-20 minute nap or siesta are the following:-

  • more energy
  • improved productivity by over 30%
  • improved alertness by up to 100%
  • reduction of stress
  • decrease in the risk of heart disease by 34%
  • better negotiation and communication skills
  • reduction of risk of accidents at work and on the road
  • happiness and well- being.

Siesta, the short nap is an effective tool in helping us to be more healthy, alert and productive in the afternoon. Potentially it will help to reduce the risk of illness and accidents, relieving some pressure and it is really good for us. In some countries like France “Sleep Parlours” are becoming popular as people are becoming aware of the importance of sleep, especially of “SIESTA’ – a short nap after lunch.

However, it is notable at the cost of repetition, the siesta should not exceed 30 minutes to avoid the adverse effects of day-sleep.

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