The ‘Lucknow Bench’ of the ‘Allahabad High Court’ pronounced its Judgement in the following Suits related to ‘Rama Janma Bhoomi-Babri Masjid’ issue, on 30th September 2010.

- OOS No. 3 of 1989 Nirmohi Aakhada etc. Vs. Baboo Priya Dutt Ram and others,
- OOS No. 4 of 1989 Sunni central Board of Waqfs U.P. Lucknow and others Vs. Gopal
- OOS No. 1 of 1989 Shri Gopal Singh Visharad Vs. Zahur Ahmad and 8 others, Singh Visharad and others and
The land under dispute in ‘Rama Janma Bhoomi – Babri Masjid’Issue is measuring 2.77 acres/1.2 Lakhs Square Feet/50 grounds (1 ground=2400 sft).
Verdict has been issued/Judgement was given in the many years (60 Years) long pending old suits heard by Allahabad High Court from 1989, by a bench comprising the following 3 Judges:-
- Hon’ble Mr Justice S U Khan
- Hon’ble Mr Justice Sudhir Agarwal and
- Hon’ble Mr Justice D V Sharma
A ‘Brief Summary’ of the Verdicts of the 3 Judges of the Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court in ‘The Rama Janma Bhoomi- Babri Masjid’ Land Dispute Cases is as given below:-
- The Allahabad High Court accepts that the disputed land is the ‘birth-place’ of Sri Rama and the site was used by the Hindus for worship of deities including Sri Rama.
- The Moghul Emperor Babar ordered for construction of a mosque in the land and the mosque was constructed upon the ruins of some old Hindu Temple, which was demolished long back; the temple was not demolished for building the mosque. As the disputed construction of the mosque was against the tenets of ‘Islam’ it cannot have the character of a mosque.
- The (Hindu) idols were placed in the middle dome of the disputed structure in the intervening night of 22/23.12.1949.
- The Claims for the entire title of the disputed land of the Sunni Central Board of Waqfs and the Nirmohi Aakhara are ‘Time-Barred’ and are dismissed by the High Court.
- Both the Hindus and the Muslims had been using the land under dispute and both the parties could not prove ownership from any specified time and the HC decides that ‘the land belongs to both the Hindus and Muslims jointly’.
- The Land under dispute should be divided into three parts; one part should be given to ‘Babri Masjid Committee’; the second part should be given to ‘Nirmohi Aakhara’ ; and the third part should be given to a new trust to be formed for constructing ‘Rama Temple’.
- For appealing against the verdict at Supreme Court of India a 3 months’ time is allowed and until 3 months, status quo should be maintained regarding the disputed land.
According to the Judgement given, 2/3 of the land will be given to Hindus and 1/3 of the land will be given to Muslims, if viewed based on Hindus/Muslims.
In a broad outlook as Indians, this Judgement of the Allahabad High Court will certainly pave ways to amicable settlement for the 60 years-long dispute prevailing in India.
For Detailed Judgement visit The Official Website of Allahabad High Court