How To Pay the “Excess Fare” on Train Tickets Reserved in Advance for Journeys on or after 22 January 2013 ?

Indian Railways had hiked the train fares w.e.f. midnight of 21st January 2013.

The passengers who have reserved their tickets for journeys on or after 22nd January 2013, will have to pay the difference of fares, before or  at the time of journey.

The collection of excess fare due to the fares-hike will commence from 22nd January 2013 for tickets booked in advance as per the original fare.

The Indian Railways have arranged for  separate/additional counters for payment of excess fares  at the “Passenger Reservation Centers” and “Railway Information Centers” at various places.

The passengers may pay the excess fare at “tickets bookingcounters” at  the railway stations also.

As a last resort, the passengers may and will have to pay the excess fare to the TTE in the train itself at the time of journey.

The Railways have made the above arrangements for collecting the excess fare to avoid delay and inconvenience to the passengers and the TTE’s and requested the passengers to make use of the facilities arranged.

The passengers who have booked tickets online (e-tickets and i-tickets)  for journeys on or after 22nd January 2013 also have to pay the excess fare in the booking counters,  before the date of journey or in train at the time of journey.

It is advisable to take the print-out of the e-tickets and carry while going for making excess fare at the reservation counters and/or while undertaking the journey to enable the TTE’s to make  hassle-free assessment  of excess fare payable.

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